Monday 26 February 2007

The Future...

By way of introducing this blog I have been asked by my friends at WARP Films to come up with some answers. Lot's of answers. The initial questions have really got me thinking so I think it's time to open this debate and it's various parts to a wider audience.

"The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed yet" - The technology exists now to make it possible for people to receive all kinds of media from every which where and every which when.

My initial questions are:

  • What is the status of the current media market?
  • What's selling?
  • What's stopped selling?
  • What's the future hold for feature films, short films, media streams, web-blogs, dvd's, the cinema...?
  • How will culture change media and how in turn will that new media then change culture?
This is by no means and exhaustive list, so start thinking now!

If you have anything to contribute in terms of discussion, content, articles,m statistics, web-links or indeed anything else constructive then get in touch.

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